Dan Marcou

A man was hit by a car and nearly crushed to death. La Crosse police officer, Marcou, gets help from fellow Northsiders to lift the car of the man and save his life. The story shows the northside rule: how Northsiders always help other Northisders in need.


Location: 1598 Caledonia Street

Dan Marcou: It’s the 1500 block of Caledonia Street on the Northside of La Crosse. When I got there, there was a crowd gathered around the car. And the injury I saw was a body underneath the car itself. So it looked like the car had hit a guy, drove over him, and now he was being crushed by this sports car, which was really low to the ground. 

I pause for a second, and I hear behind me. A voice says, “Danny, can we help? ” And I turn around and look, and there’s Brian Harris with a group of people. By this time, another officer arrives, Andy Anches, and they’re all standing there looking at me like what should we do. Well there’s enough people there–it was bar time. I said everyone who can fit on the side of the car, put your hands on it. So they walked up to the side of the car along with Andy Anches. And I said on three, I want you to lift the car up. I grabbed the shoulders of this guy under the car, and I counted One… Two… Three… and the car, they almost rolled it over. I mean, they were pumped, adrenaline. I pulled the guy out. 

I hope someone listens to this that was there and knows how much I appreciate it because I was by myself. But they knew me to be a Northsider and Northside rules. When a Northsider needs help, you never, ever pass up the opportunity to help and that’s just what happened that night. And, uh, we saved that guy.
